I like the floating feeling you get on quarterpipes, it feels like you’re hanging in the air and you can with no trouble grab anywhere on the board. One of the most fun tricks on a QP is the air to fakie.
Airs to fakies are also one of the easiest tricks. All you have to do is ride straight at the QP on your shred stick. I like this trick because of its simplicity. An air to fakie is basically the same thing as straight airing a jump, except the QP shoots you straight up in the air … so you land in the same spot you took off. All you have to do is ride straight at the QP.
When approaching a QP, pick a straight line up the wall and stay totally flat-based while riding up the transition. If you get on edge, you may go flinging left or right—you won’t go as big. Always keep your knees bent.
When you reach the top of the lip, you don’t need to pop much, keep your body solid and let the QP do all the work for you. Remember: Like hips and wallrides, start out small to feel out the transition, then you can “send it.” So, now you’ve left the lip, try to stay composed. Fly up in the air and grab the board. I like to grab frontside.
You’re floating and tweaked-out frontside now, look down at the coping to make sure you’ll land back in the transition. As long as the QP has vert on it, you should be fine. If so, then you’re good to go—if not, well, good luck, ’cause landing on the deck of a QP is sketchy. Anyway, as you come back down to land, you should land in about the same place you left the lip—nice and high on the transition.
Ride back down the tranny switch and pump back up the hill as far as possible. You’ll have less of a hike to hit the quarterpipe next time. Once you learn this trick, then you can move on to frontside and backside airs.
Boxes are a great feature to learn boardslides, front boards, and 270-outs on because they're super easy to shred. Boxes are nice and wide compared to a handrail, so you don't need to worry if you're not perfectly centered on the box. For a boardslide, hop on the box at a 90-degree angle and stay centered over the board, flat-based, until you reach the end of the box—it's too easy. So instead, I'm going to walk you through the boardslide to 270 out.
Approaching a box is pretty mellow; you don't need to hit it from a crazy angle or anything. Just stay calm and loose, and roll up on it. It is good to pop off your toes on the takeoff and land in more of a tailslide, instead of landing totally square in the middle of the box—it makes snapping the 270 out easier. Now that you're sliding, stay over the board so it doesn't spit out in front of you. Hold the position with your knees bent.
As you near the end of the box, begin to rotate your head and shoulders in the frontside direction. Spring an ollie off your back foot and initiate the frontside spin—use your shoulders to direct the rotation. The front 270 feels just like a frontside three, but it's easier to land. If you keep your eyes on the ground and bend your knees with the board pointed straight down the hill, you shouldn't have a problem with the landing.
Now that you have learned several common tricks, feel free to go out and try them. If you fail, remember, practice makes perfect and even more practise makes you even more perfect, or at least that is what I have been told. Go out their and try your best, and you are sure to get the results that you are after. Good Luck!
I called the dog over and looked at her troubled paw. When Colin came up behind me, I asked him the best way to remove the burrs. He replied, "Oh, I don't do that. I let her sort it out. Otherwise, I'll spend all my time out here picking burrs off her." I put her paw down and, sure enough, moments later she was running along next to us again on all fours, the burr gone and forgotten.
As we hiked, I thought about Colin's words and actions. He lives in a country where self-reliance is a necessity, not a luxury. In a land as brutal and harsh as Africa, people and animals must be strong and learn to depend on themselves. Without independence no living thing lasts long in the African bush.
Principles That Work in the Bush Also Work in Business
This principle also applies in our world, the world of business. Sometimes when faced with a business challenge, we must figure it out on our own. If we come up with our own solutions, we grow stronger. Excessive reliance on others for our success merely weakens us. Soon even the simplest task becomes difficult. Challenges we once conquered with relish and ease become nearly impossible.
Goethe said, "That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger." His words, while a bit overly dramatic, ring true for all entrepreneurs. You don't usually die in business. You may suffer some injuries – to your pride, your reputation, your pocketbook or your dreams. But if you don't learn to be independent, your dreams may die, and they'll certainly always be in someone else's hands, not your own.
My sympathy for Uzuri caused me to almost intervene to her detriment. If I had helped her, I would have had a friend for life. Instead, Colin encouraged me to let her be independent. The next time she picks up a burr, she'll handle it like a pro. She won't limp back to the main house looking for Colin or me.
Mentors Help You Become Your Own Burr Removing Expert
Mentors play a similar role for you. They will guide you and teach you how to remove your own burrs. But a mentor won't protect you from every burr or help you every time you get one. They know that removing burrs for you keeps you from experimenting and learning the vital skill of independence. They appreciate the wisdom of the old saying: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day – teach him to fish, and you feed him forever.
This doesn't mean you should never ask for help in removing a burr. Some burrs are too big or too thorny to pull out by yourself. The successful person knows when to ask for help and when to "just do it!" They also know that the taste of victory is never so sweet as when it comes from your own efforts.
May you never have a dream you can't attain or a burr too big to pick out. Got to go! I've got a big burr to remove!
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